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Saturday, August 14, 2010

Kurt & Rocco are fat bitches

Rocco & Kurt are fat bitches that like eating Doritos

If you look with great care you might, you just might catch a glimpse of Kurts balls hanging between the curdled fat gunts.

Rocco is lame

Remember the time Kurt pooped in Rocco's mouth? He was silent! It was amazing. We all enjoyed the silence as he chomped on the half-digested Taco Bell enchiladas.
Please, please, please shit in his mouth again so we can all enjoy the silence!

Kurt is in trouble! More animal abuse.

BBy The Associated Press
CHICAGO - Police say a traffic stop led to animal cruelty charges after they found a live cat "marinating" in oil and peppers in the trunk of a car.
Chicago police say officers heard the cat meowing when they stopped 51-year-old Kurt Steinberg to ticket him for running a stop sign Sunday night.
They say they checked the trunk and found 4-year-old Navarro in a cage, his fur covered with oil, crushed red peppers and chili peppers, according to the Chicago News.
Police say Kurt told them he did it because Navarro was ill-tempered. Kurt was charged with cruelty and released; his phone number isn't listed. He has a lot of strange friends on Facebook.
Police say he told them he was going to cook Navarro. Kurt also told officers a number of things that didn't make sense, including that his neutered male cat was pregnant.
Animal advocates have cleaned Navarro and put him up for adoption. The Chicago Police were convinced that Kurt had been humping the cat and using the pepper as a sexual stimulant.

Kurt the goat fucker!

This poster made us think of you Kurt. Not sure why.

Friday, August 13, 2010

Dner Boisner tries to film gay midget porn: becomes band manager instead!

Gay midget porn is his thing and he fails! I Guess managing a gay midget porn version of Kiss will do for now. At least his cock will feel big in comparison!

Family coming for a visit

Kurt, I thought you should meet the rest of my family. They will be here on the 20th and will be staying with us for a couple of weeks. Please keep your friends away as they may find my sisters attractive. Thanks honey!! I have never been happier.

xoxo Rose

Breaking News!! Rocco is in trouble again

Hampton New Jersey sex crime: Volunteer for special needs charged with assault
July 18, 2010 (TopWireNews.com: - Law, press release)

07/13/2010 // West Palm Beach, FL, USA

Hampton, NJ – A Bloomsbury man who volunteered at a special-needs facility was charged with criminal sexual contact of a male patient on July 10, 2010, as reported by the Asbury Park Press.

Rocco Dempsey was arrested Saturday on charges of aggravated criminal sexual contact and endangering the welfare of an incompetent person, according to Prosecutor Dermot O’Grady of the Hunterdon County Prosecutor’s Office.

The 30-year-old man reportedly inappropriately touched a mentally disabled adult male. He was charged with the crime after receiving reports from employees of the ARC of Hunterdon in Hampton.

After employees reported the crime, a joint investigation was performed by the HCPO Special Victims Unit and New Jersey State Police at the Perryville Barracks.

Staff members of the ARC of Hunterdon community center reportedly became suspicious of Dempsey’s activities and the amount of time he spent with a specific mentally-disabled man in a wheelchair, according to authorities. Detectives determined that Dempsey touched the victim, who due to his condition, was unable to communicate.

Dempsey is a bus driver for the Huntersdon County LINK transportation service, which was often used by seniors and the disabled.

Dempsey’s bail was set at $25,000 with a 10 percent option. A no contact order was placed against him as well.

I am a fluffer

It is true. I am a fluffer for senior citizens that live in old age homes. I prefer old age homes because of the high levels of urine and shit wafting through the air. I especially like when the old men have soiled their depends. I get to take them off and give them tongue baths on their genitals and asses. If they are planning to have some sex, they call me in to fluff them. It really makes me happy when one of the men I am fluffing loses control of their bowels. I usually laugh and say something like, way to go Howard. I also really like old men's scrotum in my mouth too, I find it really satisfying and leathery. I remember this one time I was fluffing this man Harold and he tricked me. Turns out he just wanted a blow job from me. I was going along fluffing him and when I thought I was about finished he smacked me in the back of the head and shouted Snap Dragon, and let his load go in my mouth. I ended up swallowing his jizz as the smack forced me to gasp, Harold laughed and said Gotcha Kurt. Harold really got me that time.

Thursday, August 12, 2010


I found this great new spot called the Steamworks.

Kurt is a fluffer!!!! OMG!!!!

Word on the street is that Kurt is hard up for cash. He spends all is lunch money on chickens. The solution: become a fluffer for the gay porn industry! He is too ugly to be a main actor, but he is keen and tries really hard to please his masters!
Gobble gobble! Some say this movie is all about him.

Rose! She is still a rose even from behind!

Dner thought they were balls when sucked on them, and maybe he was right. But to Rocco her/his name is Rose! Rocco has done got himself mad and maybe his is going to fist Dner for porking his Rose.
BAD ROCCO! You fucked my chicken and told me it was no big deal.

Great News Rocco! If Rose and I break up there is hope for you!

Judge Rules California Gay Weddings Can Begin Aug. 18 (Update3)
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By Edvard Pettersson and Joel Rosenblatt

Aug. 12 (Bloomberg) -- A California federal judge held that his ruling allowing same-sex marriages in the state shall take effect Aug. 18, saying there’s no reason to delay enforcing the decision for more than a few days.

U.S. District Judge Vaughn Walker in San Francisco today denied a request by supporters of the state’s constitutional amendment banning same-sex marriage to suspend his Aug. 4 order while they appeal. The U.S. Court of Appeals in San Francisco could still order an emergency suspension of Walker’s order.

“None of the factors the court weighs in considering a motion to stay favors granting a stay,” Walker wrote in today’s ruling. “The court denies a stay except for a limited time solely in order to permit the court of appeals to consider the issue in an orderly manner.”

Proponents of the amendment, known as Proposition 8, said in court filings that delay was required because it’s likely they will prevail on appeal and because of “the possibility of irreparable harm” should the decision take effect immediately. The case may end up before the U.S. Supreme Court.

Charles Cooper, the lead lawyer for proponents of the ban, said his side was “gratified that Judge Walker has continued until Aug. 18 the temporary stay of his decision. We will promptly seek from the Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals a stay pending the final resolution of the case.”

Cooper’s firm previously filed a notice of intent to appeal on behalf of four individuals and the website www.protectmarriage.com.

Proponents Not Persuasive

Proponents of Proposition 8 weren’t persuasive that a stay should be granted because they failed to prove a good chance of success on appeal, Walker ruled. They didn’t fulfill their requirement to show they will be harmed by the original ruling, the judge said.

The Proponents argued “that they have an interest in defending Proposition 8 but failed to articulate even one specific harm they may suffer as a consequence” of the order striking down the measure, Walker wrote.

Walker also said it’s doubtful proponents of the ban will be able to proceed on appeal because they don’t have a “state defendant” on their side. They may have to resort to persuading California Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger or Attorney General Jerry Brown to file the appeal to get the case heard, Walker said. Both Schwarzenegger and Brown submitted court filings opposing the stay.

‘Same Rights’

“The court’s decision today recognizes that there is no reason to delay allowing gay men and lesbians to enjoy the same rights that virtually all other citizens already enjoy,” Theodore B. Olson, one of the lawyers who argued on behalf of same-sex marriage, said in an e-mailed statement.

Since Proposition 8 passed in 2008 by 52 percent of California’s voters, Iowa, Vermont, New Hampshire, Connecticut and the District of Columbia have legalized same-sex marriage. Massachusetts did so in 2004.

The three judges assigned to review any request to suspend Walker’s ruling are Edward Leavy, nominated by President Reagan and confirmed in 1987; and Michael Hawkins and Sidney Thomas, both nominated by President Clinton and confirmed to the appeals court in 1994 and 1996, respectively, according to the website for the San Francisco-based appellate court.

Schwarzenegger ‘Pleased’

“I am pleased to see Judge Walker lift his stay and provide all Californians the liberties I believe everyone deserves,” Schwarzenegger, a Republican, said in an e-mailed statement. “Today’s ruling continues to place California at the forefront in providing freedom and equality for all people.”

Walker said in his original decision that the plaintiffs, the city of San Francisco and two couples, demonstrated by “overwhelming evidence” that Proposition 8, passed by the state’s voters to upend a state Supreme Court decision, violates rights to equal protection under the law guaranteed by the U.S. Constitution. He prohibited California’s officials from standing in the way of same-sex marriages.

“Moral disapproval alone is an improper basis on which to deny rights to gay men and lesbians,” Walker wrote. “The evidence shows conclusively that Proposition 8 enacts, without reason, a private moral view that same-sex couples are inferior to opposite-sex couples” and violates constitutional protections because it “disadvantages gays and lesbians without any rational justification.”

About 18,000 gay couples married in California before Proposition 8 was passed. As of 2006, there were an estimated 109,000 gay couples in California, more than any other state, according to U.S. Census data compiled by the University of California, Los Angeles.

The case is Perry v. Schwarzenegger, 09-cv-02292, U.S. District Court, Northern District of California (San Francisco).

To contact the reporter on this story: Bob Van Voris in New York at rvanvoris@bloomberg.net; Edvard Pettersson in Los Angeles at epettersson@bloomberg.net.

Welcome new members!

Thanks for joining today! We really appreciate the interest. We have so much more to share with all of you.

More Breaking news!!

Chicago man arrested after allegedly punching male lover, urinating on living room floor

A Chicago man faces a gross misdemeanor domestic battery charge after he allegedly urinated and spit on his living room floor and then punched his life partner, Kurt Steinberg in the chest.

The 31-year-old unemployed, Rocco Dempsey was booked on suspicion of second offense domestic battery and was jailed on $5,000 bail.

According to the arrest narrative, deputies were dispatched to the 2000 block of Hawaii Circle in reference to a report of a domestic battery.

On the scene authorities made contact with the reporting victim. Kurt Steinberg, Rocco's male lover stated he had been fighting with his boyfriend and that during the dispute Rocco "urinated in the living room and kept spitting on the floor," according to the report. he also noted the Dempsey may have also soiled his pants.

The victim, Steinberg, said that Dempsey had punched him in the upper right side of his chest with a closed fist and that he hit him back to defend himself. Steinberg also said that Rocco left the home on foot prior to deputies arriving at the scene. Steinberg appeared to be very intoxicated and no signs of injuries were observed, according to the report.

A deputy found Dempsey behind a Taco Bell at the intersection of Carson and Fairview Drive, rummaging through a dumpster. The deputy was advised that based on the information provided by Steinerg that the suspect was worthy of arrest for domestic battery. Another deputy transported Dempsey to the Chicago Jail as an assist, according to the report.

During the contact with the suspect at the jail, the deputy informed the man that he was under arrest for domestic battery. Dempsey said that Steinberg had hit him and scratched him on the neck. Dempsey then said he didn't want to make any other statements, according to the arrest report.

There were no signs of injuries that were observed on the man, other than a horizontal scratch on the outside of his right ankle, according to the report. After a criminal history check with Chicago dispatch, the man Dempsey was found to have a previous domestic battery conviction in 2006.

Breaking News!!

Aug 11th 2010

Man Arrested for Planning to Eat His Cat

There are sickos, and then there are sickos we can't even think of appropriate jokes for because they're such sickos. A prime example is accused cat abuser Kurt Steinberg, of Chicago Il

On Sunday afternoon, police pulled Steinberg over for running a stop sign and found his cat Navarro -- hopefully not named after Jane's Addiction guitarist and Carmen Electra banger Dave Navarro -- in the trunk of his car. The poor kitty was being "marinated," according to Steinberg, in oils, spices and peppers for that night's feast.

The accused cat prep cook was booked on a charge of animal cruelty, and Navarro is now named "Oliver," in order to help him transition to a life of, you know, not being eaten by yokels. He is currently in the process of being adopted by a harmless-seeming couple in town.

Judging by his mug shot, we'd say this Steinberg is entirely innocent. Who couldn't love a face that resembles a bowling ball landing in a pile of Spam?

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

My blushing bride Rose.

Please welcome my beautiful wife Rose. I was drunk when we first met, but since the blessed day I have never been happier.

Breaking news!!!!!!

ChicagoChicago man forced to 'marry' goat

A Chicago man has been forced to take a goat as his "wife", after he was caught having sex with the animal.

The goat's owner, Rocco Dumpster, said he surprised the man with his goat and took him to a council of elders.
They ordered the man, Kurt Steinberg, to pay a dowry of ($50) to Rocco
"We have given him the goat, and as far as we know they are still together," Rocco said.
Rocco Dumpster, of some shitty housing districtl in the lower East Side, told CNNthat he heard a loud noise around midnight on 13 February and immediately rushed outside to find Mr Steinberg with his goat.
"When I asked him: 'What are you doing there?', he fell off the back of the goat, so I captured and tied him up."
Rocco Dumpster then called elders to decide how to deal with the case.
"They said I should not take him to the police, but rather let him pay a dowry for my goat because he used it as his wife," Mr Dumpster told CNN.

Advice to the crew: let Kurt chase the chickens!

Chicken fucker? Really Kurt? Cheating on your goat??? You bastard!!!!!

These hamsters are scared of Rocco's ass!!!!

You too would be scared if you knew your destiny would be to get stuffed into his greasy man-gina! His droopy white ass never looked so scary as the day he started ramming rodents into it. Rocco please! Spare the rodents!!!!!

Kurt the goat fucker!

We all agree that the goat is pretty hot, but Kurt, did you really have to go and pork it???? Now it is going to smell all greasy and kinda like your whore of a mother.

Kurt is such a loser!

I hear Kurt gets turned on by sloppy 18ths!!!!!

This is him being shmart and stuff (btw this is a direct quote): Rick Bawls, you fucking faggot, I am going to fire my seed down your throat after you finish sucking off the 17 bums in front of me in line at the gloryhole

I'm sooooo turned on!! FREE tacos AND a sailor

This is a picture of me when I had enough of my Whore Mom's guy friends touching me.

Rocco won't remember when I did this to him!!

Rocco it is also for dinner

I just had 1000 of these made up, I am starting a new campaign

Rocco's new butt plug. Made in Germany!

Rocco can be used in many ways!

I know Kurt prefers to be sodomized, but Rocco is open to anything! Now you can ride him like a pony and everyone can watch.
Kurt Steinberg, Please confirm that your Mom blows you. CONFIRMED Also please confirm that you ate dried jizz spots that were scraped off her gunt. CONFIRMED Please also confirm that you enjoyed these treats for breakfast.CONFIRMED Please also confirm that she allowed any of the men that she spent time with to also molest you. I AM ASHAMED ABOUT THIS, BUT, CONFIRMED!!!
Kurt Steinberg, Please confirm that your Mom blows you. Also please confirm that you ate dried jizz spots that were scraped off her gunt. Please also confirm that you enjoyed these treats for breakfast. Please also confirm that she allowed any of the men that she spent time with to also molest you.

What are the rules on Trolling?

I was looking for the rules on Trolling. Some claim you have to be yourself when you're Trolling. Is this true? Is there a handbook out there? Seriously guys, If I'm going to harrass someone I'm going to be sure to go by the book. Don't want to piss anyone off by being a jerk the wrong way. Kurt does not follow the rules but he has no real friends. (except his mommy, but she blows him out of pity or for money)
Rocco Dempsey, how many terabytes of gay porn are stored on your computer's hard drive? Remember that time you uncle caught you having sex with the little holes in the serial port of your 1992 Packard Bell? Remember when your uncle molested you when he caught you? Remember how that was your happiest childhood memory? Your life sure sucks, Rocco!
Rocco, remember that time you lived in the dump for 6 years eating trash and having sex with hundreds of bums and hobo's. Is it true you now refer to that period as the good ol days?

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I would like to confirm that my biological father, Jeffrey Dahmer, became enraged when he molested me for the first time and discovered that I had such a tiny cock. I would also like to confirm that he was really embarrassed that the fruit of his loins had such a baby-dick. Please keep in mind that I was a child at the time and hadn't hit puberty yet, but he demanded alot from us as children.  He felt that this was the reason he chose to become a necrophiliac serial killer.  He hoped that killing people and having sex with them would clear his mind.  This was a really hard time him.

Tuesday, August 10, 2010


Hey guys:
Sorry for taking it too far. We were just trying to do it funny and imitate y'all. Did you laugh at all???

Who wants to smell my finger? It has Dner on it



The memories

Rocco, remember that time when we went down to the Florida Keys and paid a Cuban immigrant $500 for a glass bottom boat adventure that was advertised on a bathroom wall at a gas station bathroom? Remember how we assumed that the man was going to take you out in the ocean and you would be able to see fish, shipwrecks, etc. through a glass bottom of a boat? Remember how surprised we both were when the man kicked us in our tiny balls and then wrapped Saran Wrap around our faces and then took a dump onto the Saran Wrap? Remember when the man said, "Hey boys, does ju like dat glass bottom boat, maricón?" Remember how we enjoyed the experience more than if we had gone out on an actual boat? Remember how we both thought it was the best $500 that we had ever spent? We sure were  demented faggots that time!

WTF?? Is that Rocco dressed as Lady Ga Ga dropping ass jelly on IT's face??

Rocco and I (Kurt) at the bash your ASS into your lovers groin festival.

I love how Rocco is acting surprised! Isn't he cute

Love you in a Bikini Rocco!!

July 14, 2010
Chronic sex offender pleads guilty again

Rocco Dempsey does most of his work in college libraries. Unfortunately, none of his efforts can be characterized as research. The 30-year-old registered sex offender, whose exploits have helped the Washington Supreme Court define criminal law, pleaded guilty today to yet another charge of indecent exposure stemming from a 2008 incident in which he twice masturbated in front of a male student at the JFK Library on the Cheney campus of Eastern Washington University.

He appeared Thursday before Superior Court Judge Maryann Moreno. Deputy Spokane County Prosecutor Ed Hay told the judge that Dempsey has several charges “stemming from quite similar events in college libraries.” The homeless man, originally from Nebraska, has at least 11 convictions in four states for either lewd conduct or indecent exposure. Those charges got bumped up to second-degree burglary with sexual motivation in 2001 after he continued to visit Gonzaga University’s Foley Library after he had been told not to return.

Dempsey pleaded guilty to the 2001 indecent exposure charge, but appealed the burglary conviction on the grounds that exposing himself to someone was not a crime against a person. According to court documents, Dempsey would find a male student studying alone in the library’s periodicals section. He would make a loud noise to get his attention. Then he would sit cross-legged behind a nearby bookshelf and remove enough books to create a clear line of sight between himself and the student. He would expose himself and begin masturbating while maintaining eye contact with the victim.

The case went to the state Supreme Court, which ruled in 2003 that Dempsey’s burglary was in fact a crime against a person. That ruling was the legal highlight of a rap sheet that includes convictions for mostly small-time crimes in California, Texas, Florida, Pennsylvania, Georgia, Illinois, Utah, Wyoming and Washington. In late April 2003, after a conviction for obstructing an officer in Spokane, Dempsey was extradited to Montana to face indecent exposure charges there, according to newspaper archives.

When he was arrested in the most recent case, Dempsey had a warrant for his arrest out of New Mexico for failure to pay fines for an indecent liberties conviction in that state, according to court records. According to sentencing recommendations announced today, Dempsey likely will face another year in prison when Moreno sentences him Sept. 8.
Steinberg twice detained for lewd conduct in mall restrooms
View police reports of mall incidents

Chicago police issued a misdemeanor summons to Steinberg in September 1996 in connection with a peeping Tom incident in a men's bathroom at the former Mervyn's department store at The Atrium shopping center, according to a Chicago Police Department incident report obtained by The Times-Picayune.  The report states that Steinberg watched a man use the bathroom while peering through a hole in a bathroom stall. The man held Steinberg until police arrived, at which time he was issued the misdemeanor summons and ordered to appear in court.  Steinberg said the man eventually withdrew his complaint, and the case was dismissed. A spokeswoman for the Chicago Police Department said the record was expunged.

Tapping foot in stall

In the second incident, Jefferson Parish deputies working an undercover detail in a men's bathroom at the food court at the Atrium Shopping Center in March 2000 stopped Steinberg after he indicated a desire to engage in sex with an undercover deputy in an adjoining bathroom stall, according to an interoffice memorandum written by Sgt. Keith Conley, one of the deputies involved in the investigation.

The report said Steinberg slid his foot into the deputy's stall and tapped the deputy's foot. In the report, Conley noted that such activity is common among men to indicate a willingness to participate in sex. The deputy inside the stall, Detective Wayne Couvillion, responded by tapping his foot, and Steinberg reached under the partition and began to rub the deputy's leg, the report states. The detective asked Steinberg, "What do you want?" according to the report, and he replied, "I want to blow you."

Steinberg also used a hand signal to indicate that he wanted to engage in sex and used language that indicated the same, according to the report. Conley, who is now the Chicago city attorney, confirmed the report's authenticity Thursday.

The incident did not culminate in an arrest because the deputy in the bathroom with Steinberg terminated the investigation after several children entered the bathroom, the report states. Conley noted in the report that Steinberg appeared well-versed and comfortable with the routine. Conley wrote that had the investigation been allowed to continue, it likely would have concluded in Steinberg's arrest on obscenity charges, including a possible attempted crime against nature.

Conley confronted Steinberg outside the bathroom, and Steinberg apologized and said he would not return, according to the report. Steinberg also said he has a problem with such behavior and had sought counseling for the addiction in the past, the report states.  In both instances, Steinberg produced his commission from the Chicago Police Office identifying him as a captain. Steinberg said Thursday he did not show his commission either time until officers asked him for identification, all of which he keeps in his wallet.

Struggling after the separation from Rocco

Steinberg said he has enjoyed being with Rocco and his people and thanked his supporters. A dancer and Peter Pan impersonator who had received several endorsements from local theater companies in Chicago, Steinberg also noted that the stress from enduring an anal probing from his life partner Rocco Dempsey and its aftermath might have gotten the best of him. He lost his Chicago home to Dempsey in an out of court settlement, and it took him almost 14 months to rebuild.

Here is Rocco and I (Dner) at Gay pride last year

Hey Kurt, I just got a new van!!

Here is my new Van! the interior looks just like the outside. Can't wait for the big road trip this year!!
xoxo Dner

Examples of what Kurt likes to stuff up Rocco's butt

Kurt says larger is better. I guess that is why the squirrel had to die in Rocco's ass.

Rocco, Kurt, Dner and me (John Dado) doing what we do best

We brought a doctor along just in case some of the rodents or fruit got stuck up Kurt's greasy ass. Turns out we didn't need him. Not only did the rodents and fruit just fall out, we also found a missing remote, a bag of Doritos and a mustard bottle.

does anyone remember when I?

Does anyone remember the time I was found in a dumpster wearing a chicken suit? Remember how Rocco was dressed as Colonel Sanders and how, when he found me face down he started to punish my ass. Remember how Dner jumped into the dumpster and ripped a fart in my face and how I loved the smell. Do you remember how  much I was into Dner's farts, begging him to do more of them.  Dner do you remeber how I started riming you?  Rocco do you remember how you filled my ass with your jizz and how you let it drip into a glass and how we all took a drink of the vial jizz/shit shake? Rocco do you remember saying to Dner it would have been perfect had I been wearing a PeterPan costume.

Monday, August 9, 2010

Absolutely! Since my buddy Dner doesn't come around here very often any more I need a new partner to do a patented spitroast on Diamond with! You seem to fit that bill perfectly!

It is unfortunate that there are people out there who are trying to foil our deviant and perverted agenda of homosexuality.
I think it's very clear that someone, somewhere is "stalking" us, and foiling our plans. (They're most certainly saying zoinks as we speak).

Would it be too paranoid to turn the 'DUstin DIAMONDS' SUPER Forum (General Discussion)' into allowed members only? It is where most of the plans are being made, this way no guests can view it, or even if they registered they would have to get access into it. I know this creates more work for our hardworking admin, but still.

Gooffy lovers caught on film!

Dner and his Dirty Sanchez bum buddy! Hubba hubba! Let the sperm flow!


Rocco's Dad is a drunk and a loser. The apple does not fall far from the tree. Dad looks like Rocco at his best eh?

Kurt at it again.

Kurt really is a deviant homosexual.

Here is a game Kurt, Rocco, John and I play together

This game , Anal ring toss is something we usually play together.

Rocco's mom at the farm!

Gobble gobble! This is how I would fed Rocco when he was hungry! 100% protein yum yum

Dner pays for gay porn!

Dner is fighting for air and trying to grab Kurts pee pee!
Rocco went with something other than I did. Obviously whipping another dudes nuts with a rusty car antenna is at the top of the list. But I also enjoy when two dudes squat over some dude back to back and at the same time take a dump on him. It's an amazing sight if the dudes have enough firepower and really force out the shit tsunami while grunting. It also gives the receiver an enormous amount of pleasure!
I voted for rubbing balls against another dude's ass. However, ball whipping, diarrhea sprays, circle jerks while playing the cookie game, and tag-team jockstrap sniffing are all nice wholesome non-penetrative activities for experienced deviant homosexuals!

The time in high school when I fell in love with Rocco

Dner had his own ideas at the farm

Dner leave the goats alone!!!

Rocco at it again!! What a depraved menace to the barn yard

Rocco is desperate! He fucks a chicken!!!

Roccco! pull out!!!!

Kurt's birthday gift!!!!

Fucking Stool
SKU: 38-106

Sit down and rest your feet for a while with The Fucking Stool. The Fucking Stool Sex Machine allows the person sitting on it to enjoy the stroking of a quiet compact motor. The stool constructed of hardword and coated with a clear urethane finish, has a hole in the center which allows the dildo to pop up through the seat. Underneath the seat of the Fucking Stool is our compact fucking machine unit capable of delivering 11 in-lbs of torque. That doesn't sound like much, but considering that you are firmly planted on the seat of the stool and that all your weight is working against the dildo trying to stroke up and down inside you, it is really quite effective. The Fucking Stool has all the standard high quality features that all our sex machines have. It has a 10 foot wired controller, a quiet motor and precision bearings and it is all packed neatly on to a high gloss black powder coated frame.

Each Fucking Stool Sex Machine comes with our both of our versatile dildo attachment systems. It comes with our standard dildo adapter that allows you to strap on most standard flared base dildos and we also include a Vac-U-Lock dildo adapter system. This allows you to use it with Doc Johnson Vac-U-Lock Dildos. (Dildos recommend for use with the Fucking Stool sex machine are shown below)


Weight: 30 Pounds
Stroke Length: 1/2 to 4 inches, 5 setting positions
Stroke Speed: 0 to 170 strokes per minute
Rated Horsepower: 1/25th HP
Torque (pushing power): 11 lbs
Assembled Size: 24" x 12-1/2" x 12-1/2"
Disassembled Size: 24" x 12-1/2" x 12-1/2"

Each Fucking Stool Unit Includes:
Head Unit, Stand, 110/120 Vac Power Cord, Wired Remote Control Unit with 10 foot cord, Standard Dildo Attachment Adapter, Vac-U-Lock Dildo Attachment Adapter. (Dildo not included, please see below for some recommendations)

Free Shipping Included!
Due to the weight of the Fucking Stool sex machines, it costs a little extra to ship it. So to make it easy for you, we have included the shipping charges in the price for Domestic Ground Shipping anywhere in the Continental USA plus Alaska and Hawaii. No shipping charges for this item will be required at checkout. Expedited shipping is not available on the Fucking Stool sex machines.

Sorry, The Fucking Stool is not available for export outside the USA

Lead Time: 2-3 weeks

You will earn 950 BDSM Bucks Reward Points when you purchase this product! To learn more about our BDSM Bucks Reward Points Program, Click Here

Price: $949.90

John Dado waiting for Dner for some private dumpster love.

I wish normal things happened to me

I was just remembering the time I got kicked out of "The Attic," my favorite dance club, after I got caught watching random dudes pissing at the urinal in the bathroom? They threw me into an alley and I landed in a puddle of barf and urine? When I woke up, some homeless men started yelling at me, next they doubled-up on me.  I really enjoyed their smelly cocks? I remember when one of the homeless men fired his diseased seed into my mouth and said, "Here's a little HIV juice for you Kurt!" I contracted AIDS and cut my life expectancy by 35 years? This really turns me on because I am a deranged bug chaser? I sure had a fucked-up experience that time!

My life is really strange

I just wanted to confirm that I spend more time masturbating while thinking about Rocco Dempsey, Dner Boisen, John Dado and all of the homeless men you have blown than I do looking for employment. I truly am a welfare queen, aren't I!!

Kurt caught cheating in dumpster!

Kurt was looking to slurp up some homeless man's runny turds when he was surprised by Gunter, the German shit eating king. Here you can see Gunter ramming Kurt's greasy ass in the dumpster.

Rocco's Mom at the beach H-O-T!!!!!!

Dner's Mom after a night of good loving

This was determined by my whore mom that this is my Brother/Father

My Whore Mom back in the day. Pictured here with one of many of her boyfriends.

I found new chairs for his basement apartment

News! Kurt is really, really gay

CHICAGO AP—Despite the fact that everyone he meets obviously assumes he is gay, 34-year-old Chicago-area homosexual Kurt Steinberg still thinks he's in the closet, local sources reported Tuesday.
Unwittingly out-of-the-closet homosexual Kurt Steinberg, a graphic designer who secretly frequents Cruisers, a local dance club, Steinberg has told only four people about his homosexuality. However, nearly all of his friends, co-workers and relatives are well aware of it, as is the clerk at the neighborhood Starbucks where Steinberg orders a "double mocha 'capp' in [a] paper [cup]" every day before work.
"Kurt is a very nice guy, and I totally support his sexual orientation," said co-worker Rocco, one of the countless people to whom Steinberg has not come out. "I think it's great that he's so open about it."
Though Steinberg denies dating men and feigns ignorance of gay culture, his extensive collection of butt-plugs and love of anal fisting are well-known.
Among the many other indicators that have tipped off the world to Steinberg's homosexuality include his running commentary on sex with Dustin Diamond, sex with random dudes, his constant playing of the Pet Shop Boys' Very on the mini CD boom box at his workstation, his standard greeting of "And how are we doing today?" and the week-long depression he fell into following Princess Diana's death.
"Sadly, we still live in a largely homophobic society, so there are many reasons why an individual would choose to hide his gayness," said magazine editor John Dado, for whom Steinberg frequently does freelance graphic-design work. "That's why I applaud Kurt's decision to just let it all hang out. He's so incredibly fun and flamboyant."
As people get to know Steinberg better, however, they inevitably discover that his openness is purely accidental.
"What can I say? I just adore Paris," Steinberg told co-worker Geri Hahn recently. "The Seine, The Louvre, Jean-Paul Gaultier—I'd die to live there someday."
"That is," Steinberg added, "assuming my girlfriend Rocco would want to move there, too."
Steinberg's invention of "Rocco"—his delicate fiancée currently touring the deep south with the Chicago Ballet—is just one of the many cover stories Steinberg has created to hide his homosexuality from those in whom he cannot confide.
The interior of Steinberg's four-room apartment, which his friends said "screams, 'Look, I'm gay!'"
Unbeknownst to Steinberg, every one of his efforts has been unsuccessful. Even those friends who have not accidentally found Manhole Magazine's 1998 Boy-Toy Revue video Steinberg keeps hidden behind his entertainment center have noted the other tell-tale signs of homosexuality around his apartment, such his extensive collection of glory hole paintings and coordinated ass fisting figurines.
Progressive and open-minded, Steinberg's friends have fully accepted his closeted status and have tried to create a comfortable environment for his sexual denial. But despite their open-mindedness, many of these friends were shocked and uncomfortable upon discovering that Steinberg was not yet "out."
"Of course, I've always respected his right to privacy regarding that very personal decision," friend Dner said. "But there's no doubt about it--he's gay. Not just a little gay, really gay. Last night he was ass-blasting me. "
Dner is among the many people who, upon meeting Steinberg, told him that they "have lots of gay friends," only to have the closeted man nervously reply that he thinks his sister might have a gay friend.
"I felt a little embarrassed for just assuming, but how was I supposed to know?" Chance said. "My gaydar tells me he's way out of the closet."
John Dado is among the four friends whom Steinberg, in moments of abandon, has told, "I'm not sure, but sometimes I think I might be bisexual."
"Big shocker, huh?" Rocco said. "I know it makes sense that he'd be used to hiding it after growing up Catholic in a small town, but we're all secretly rooting for him to come out. It's getting kind of weird acting like we don't know that everyone knows he likes men."
Even Steinberg's distant relatives are aware of his homosexuality.
"Last fall, at his cousin Bryan's wedding, Kurt stood up to make an announcement," said Bea Langan, Steinberg's great aunt. "I thought for sure he was going to tell us all his little 'secret,' but instead he told us that his girlfriend unfortunately couldn't make it because she had pneumonia. Oh, well. Maybe next time."
Steinberg, who first realized he was attracted to males in high school, has been perceived as gay since fifth or sixth grade.
"Kurt is one of those students I'll never forget," said Marcia Krause, Steinberg's middle-school drama teacher. "He was so sweet and so talented--you should have seen him in Pippin. I wonder where he is now. San Francisco or the West Village, I suppose."

Me loving a homeless man

I found love one night.  It only cost me a bottle of malt liquor.

I upset Rocco in this picture

I upset Rocco because I forgot the Taco Bell.  Rocco needs to be assured that my bum is hot, dirty and ready.

Rocco and John on vacation doing some gay yoga together.

John Dado posing for Rocco