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Friday, August 27, 2010

Unfortunate incident at the pet show. Thankfully Rocco was there to help get Chan out of harms way

I brought one of my best friends and lovers: Chan to the annual dog show I go to. This year I am so thankful Rocco was there; having all his experience with horny animals and such. Rocco jumped right in and started to give that dog what it wanted. He smeared Alpo all over his ass to create a distraction for the dog. Chan was able to escape when the dog lost interest in him and started to lick and eat the food from Rocco's crack. Once the food was gone the dog mounted Rocco and started to pump his ass with his dog boner. As you can see from the picture, Chan is very upset with this dog. Rocco's expression was much different, he was in a trance-like state while the dog humped away.

The strange thing is he kept muttering the words "good boy" over and over. You really saved the day that time Rocco!

Rocco's suave older brother Ricco

'IT' has Moobs

I love rubbing my cock on IT's (Bretts) Moobs as he has no penis and one of his folds or flaps only cuts it during foreplay. It is fun when he asks us to write our names on his Moobs with poop from IT's own ass.

Here is a picture of Rocco the Guido from New Jersey. He is the one on the left. Did you say you're from Jersey Rocco. What exit Guido?

Rocco's pee pee has fallen of!

Smell my finger please? If you do I will show you the thing I call a penis. It is small and it stands tall.

Rocco is mad!

Stop making fun of his family! His sister is a whore too, but she makes good money!

My visit with Kurt’s whore Mom

I recently had lunch with Kurt’s whore of a mother. Kurt wasn’t kidding when he said his Whore Mom is a workaholic, she kept offering to pleasure me for a fiver. Her breath stank of stale sperm and monkey ball sweat. She burped a couple of times during lunch and cleared the table of people sitting next to us. As they walked out they complained to the manager about smelling raw sewage. Some find that to be a bad thing. Not me! They don't call me Gunter the shit eating king for nothing.

We shared a few laughs when she was reminiscing about the day Kurt was born. She describes a very strange pregnancy and delivery, mainly because she didn’t really have a clue which man was Kurt’s father. Another reason it was very difficult for her is because she was turning tricks up to the day Kurt came into the world. It is hard to pay the rent when you are a butt ugly whore.

She was telling me how she remembers very fondly how special Kurt was. She had never experienced anything like this while giving birth to any of his other siblings. As he was passing through her greasy snatch Kurt took a big lick, which surprised and pleased her the same time. New born babies typically don’t smile, but Kurt was smiling the remnants of her last john glistening on his face. The lick was a welcome surprise, but Kurt was born with an erection which brushed against her G-spot as his body passed through her slimy cavern coated in jizz and shit from the last shit orgy. It was so shocking that it caused her to lose control of her bowels, unfortunately her sphincter was over used and she couldn’t stop the tidal wave. As the cold air hit baby Kurt’s body he cried and his mouth filled with diarrhea. She really feels that it was this diarrhea and jizz baptism that led to his obsession with feces. This also blessed him with the ability to endure the most fowl experiences in life.

Most babies would have died from the the shit in the mouth. Not Kurt though! He enjoyed every last bit of it. After that he would only fall to sleep if his soother was dipped in dog shit. Poor Kurt! Bad breath, brown teeth and a taste for dog shit from a very young age.(sounds like a country song, but it should be the song of Kurt's sad life)

Kurt & Rocco plan a trip to Lebanon!

I'm so excited! I'm taking my honey Rocco to Lebanon for an all inclusive vacation. We found out recently you can fuck goats and sheep with impunity. Word is that you can do it in open daylight and in group sex settings. It is an all inclusive vacation where food and 24 hour goat-fucking are included. The only caveat is we can't eat the goat after we have had our pleasure with it. Damned foreigners! Oh, we are also planning on bringing It (aka Brett) along as a gimp in bondage. He will find out after the roofies wear off.
Check out the link:

I'm a sorry sad assed bitch!

I can't believe IT (aka Brett) is playing so hard to get. He sits in the corner slowly masturbating while the drool dribbles on to his blubbery chest. I fondly remember the days when he would let me jerk off on to his moobs. What gives him the right to sit quietly and ignore me? I know I have fucked a goat or two in my day, but Rocco is ok with it. Why does IT care so much? I know he is giving to Dner when we are not looking. I'm not jealous, I just want to play motorboat again! I promise to stop fucking goats and limit my animal exploration to stuffing rodents up my ass.

Kurt needs work

Poor Kurt! He is living in a homeless shelter. I found this;

Kurt Steinberg: "I am one of the 99ers who has lost his unemployment benefits. I am now living in a homeless shelter in Memphis, TN. Thanks for nothing Republicans. You speak as people who've never been homeless speak."

It is safe to assume that his decade of homosexual fantasies involving Dustin Diamond and others has taken a toll on him. He has lost faith and needs help. Why have you spent so much time insulting people Kurt? Yet you feel it is not right when others insult you.

Why the fantasies involving jock straps? What happened in high school? Why the fecal obsession? You are a very confused individual. You mock others, yet when others do it to you the best you come up with is "you are a faggot." Why are you so well versed in the gay sex? You have posted many gay sex stories on the Internet, do you lay awake at night dreaming of men and different sexual scenarios you would like to be involved in?

The sooner you come out Kurt the better you will feel.

Thursday, August 26, 2010

Exciting weekend planned

As we all know our friend Brett aka 'IT' has invited us all to his favorite campground. With Brett being a big ol' bear and all he fits right in. Rocco and I will be there for a little 'bear soup' and other festivities. Brett promises a fun weekend, with great people. Please check out this website in order to get more info. When booking please enter the promo code BrettBear to get the group discount.


We all look forward to Brett showing us around the camp ground, looks like more fun than we have had in along time. Fucking goats, chickens and eating shit can get kind of mundane. Sorry Gunter, we love it, but we need some variety.

Sunday, August 22, 2010

My visit to the doctor.

I went to see my doctor recently because it really burns when I urinate. The doc asked me to take off my clothes so he could get a better look. I complied and dropped my drawers. Next thing I knew the doctor was really angry, he yelled at me, he wanted to know how the hell he was going to diagnose me without being able to see my penis. My voice quivering, I told him that, if he stimulated me, my penis would be visible.

That set the doctor into a fit of rage, he proceeded to kick me repeatidly in the groin. Eventually my penis became erect, and I was feeling pleasure instead of pain. He was still disgusted, my minuscule penis was inflamed and barely visible to the naked eye. He took a closer look and he said: hey rice dick, you have got the clap! A little penecillin and you'll be fine. Next time do us all a favor, don't worry about your little pee pee so much, light a candle, host a vigil for your little shrinky dink and go bother your mommy with your petty problems. The one thing I took home from this was I remember how much I loved when my mom used to wake me up in the very same way. She used to kick my groin yelling wake up broken golf tee dick, breakfast is ready. At which point the insanity insued, she would sit on my face and smother me with her nasty snatch. Those were the days I tell ya.