This is a satirical/parody blog and is not intended to be taken seriously. If you want to join message 'IT' and we will add you.
Saturday, August 21, 2010
Rocco likes midgets! Kurt is too stupid to know the difference!

I am terribly disappointed in Rocco and Kurt. Back in the old days they would get turned on from licking the peanuts out of my ass. They would coo in anticipation of a liquid fart. Those were the happy days! Long summers of watching Rocco lick his shit smeared brown lips. Is there anything better? Why end it?
It looks like Rocco and Kurt are into a new thing!!!! I thought the fascination with hybristophilia would drag us apart. The fascination with farm animals was next, but our gay love survived those though times. Can you believe that their new thing is to be locked up in little cages and to have horny midgets poke them with sharp sticks? The sick fuckers! I can't stand looking at their faces and trying to figure out where the fear ends and where the arousal starts. Rocco's tiny little penis sticks right up as he pants in anticipation. Kurt is just too dumb to know what is going on.
I have attached the leader of the stick pokers. Rocco tells me he is hoping this little man will try to climb into his gaping ass hole. I can't believe how sick he is! I might just go over and shit in his fat mother's face while she sleeps.
Rocco and I are going to enter the BME pain olympics
We know it can be potentially fatal but we are willing to take the risk. A man died being fucked by a horse a few years ago in this contest. I feel as though I have a much better chance of survival considering the mileage my ass has. In order to prepare Rocco is going to wear an extender sleeve on his tiny little penis and wear his unicorn costume. Plus Rocco has experience with animals, having seen his mother blow horses and dogs before. I am doing this for Uncle John Wayne Gacy as he would have been so proud of me for entering this event. I plan on wearing a T-shirt with a picture of him in his clown costume on the back to honor him while I get fucked by the horse. The greatest part will be when the horse blows it's load, Rocco will jump in and start eating the horse jizz just like his mom taught him to do. Wish us luck!
Friday, August 20, 2010
Rocco the Jersey Shore Wannabe Guido.

Rocco is a Jersey Shore wannabe who thought he had a chance to be on the show. He started to style his hair like a Guido, realizing that he needed a tan to complete his look. There was a problem, he couldn't afford to go to tanning beds, tanning creams or tanning sprays. So Rocco asked Dner to do him a favor. He wanted Dner to only drink carrot juice and eat nothing for an entire week. Dner agreed to help Rocco. When the week was over Rocco took Dner to Taco Bell and treated him to 5 tacos and 6 burrito supremes with extra fire sauce.
Rocco and Dner sat in my van. While Dner filled his face, Rocco bounced in his seat like a giddy school girl. Once Dner was finished eating, his bowels started to gurgle dangerously. Dner gave the signal and Rocco scrambled to 'assume the position' in the back of the van. Dner barely got his pants down before an enormous greasy explosion of liquified orange colored shit plastered Rocco's face. Dner hovered over Rocco, diarrhea flowing for a solid 10 minutes. The stench would have been too much for most people, not sick Rocco, he was basking in the glory of his new organic spray tan.
Wednesday, August 18, 2010
Kurt Steinberg accused of raping 6-year-old boy
CHICAGO — Sexual offender Kurt Steinberg is charged with 25 counts of rape, kidnapping and intimidation. Prosecutors say the 34-year-old Chicago man anally raped a 6-year-old boy repeatedly in 2002 and 2003. He knew the boy's mother and raped the first-grader when he got home from school, prosecutor's spokesman Ryan Miday said. "Steinberg told the victim "tell anyone Kurt burn you with this" he gestured to his cigarette lighter," Miday said. The boy told a social worker about it.
Steinberg is living in a group home now, on Storer Avenue, he was convicted of sexual assault in 1995 in Texas. He is scheduled for arraignment in Chicago County Common Pleas Court September 10. His criminal history here includes drunken driving and aggravated vehicular assault in 2004, it was an incident involving a bumper car at a six flags amusement park, but things got out of hand when Steinberg was asked to step off the ride. He was sentenced in January, 2005, to two years in prison.
Steinberg spends most of his time fixated on a person that goes by the name Rick Bawls and people such as Dustin Diamond or other washed up celebrities, he continues posting material he has been recycling for 10 years. Psycological evaluations determined that Kurt functions at the most basic level of development. He communicates mainly by grunting or shrieking, and occasionally expresses himself by using these phrases "Kurt happy","Kurt angry" or "Kurt hungry"
Kurt has been released to the care of his lover, Rocco Dempsey, who was quoted saying that "Kurt is misunderstood, he had a traumatic childhood. We all hope that Kurt will get better, if not for himself, at the very least for the safety of others. I have a tough road ahead, but love will get us through it"
Steinberg is living in a group home now, on Storer Avenue, he was convicted of sexual assault in 1995 in Texas. He is scheduled for arraignment in Chicago County Common Pleas Court September 10. His criminal history here includes drunken driving and aggravated vehicular assault in 2004, it was an incident involving a bumper car at a six flags amusement park, but things got out of hand when Steinberg was asked to step off the ride. He was sentenced in January, 2005, to two years in prison.
Steinberg spends most of his time fixated on a person that goes by the name Rick Bawls and people such as Dustin Diamond or other washed up celebrities, he continues posting material he has been recycling for 10 years. Psycological evaluations determined that Kurt functions at the most basic level of development. He communicates mainly by grunting or shrieking, and occasionally expresses himself by using these phrases "Kurt happy","Kurt angry" or "Kurt hungry"
Kurt has been released to the care of his lover, Rocco Dempsey, who was quoted saying that "Kurt is misunderstood, he had a traumatic childhood. We all hope that Kurt will get better, if not for himself, at the very least for the safety of others. I have a tough road ahead, but love will get us through it"
Rocco on film

Rocco, this picture of you from the camera you left behind in the pile of shit is really cute. When you and Kurt are over again this weekend for more shit eating I want you to bring this outfit you are wearing in the photo. Also I have a very special treat for you. Remember how you told me you like metally disabled men? Well I have found two disabled men that got very excited when they saw you in your unicorn outfit, they want to feed you their cocks and pet you. Like yourself, they are addicted to Saved by the Bell and love watching wrestling. I told them about how you are into the gay NASCAR hillbilly scene and . And they are looking very forward to a magical fantasy weekend with Rocco the unicorn.
Brett Emerson aka "IT" striking a sexy pose
Why Kurt Steinberg likes jock straps
I was at school doing my best to stare at the wall and fill my adult diapers when the cool kids tied me up, gagged me with a jock strap and gave me the rear admiral. The taste of ball juice has never been tastier. Some days when I'm sucking off homeless men in dumpsters I fondly remember the taste and realize that I will forever chase the dragon.
The other day I was fucking Rocco's goat and I thought of something funny. The sad part is I can't remember what it was. Maybe all that guzzling of shit is affecting my little brain.
The other day I was fucking Rocco's goat and I thought of something funny. The sad part is I can't remember what it was. Maybe all that guzzling of shit is affecting my little brain.
School memories with Kurt and Rocco!
Kurt, Rocco and I used to go to the same school together. William H Wells was a tough school for us. Some people called us retards. We don’t like that word because it is not nice. We are high functioning retards thank you very much! It is not our fault we wear diapers all day, drool a little wear helmets and ride in a short bus. Kurt would stare into the corner and defecate with great pleasure into his oversized Zubaz. The whore of his mother would forget to put on his diapers. We would try to help him by scooping the shit with our bare hands and stuffing it in the only gaping orifice we could see: his drooling mouth. We would eat some of it too just to help him out. Sometimes we would stick our entire fists up his greasy ass. It was fun, fun fun! One time while I was fisting him German style, I discovered a long lost gerbil, my calculator and a stale bag of Doritos. It was amazing the stuff we would find stuffed up Kurt Steinberg’s ass. Rocco once lost his Barbie doll collection in the gaping orifice. To this day we wear diapers covered in oversize Zubaz so we can relive the glory of our school days.
Kurt Steinberg posted something funny for the first time in many, many years. Don't tell him though. It is pobably just be a random thing. However, we are all sectretly hoping it is a sign of things to come. Here, here Kurt!!!! (remember, baby steps, baby steps)
Tuesday, August 17, 2010
Strange but true.
I was at my local Starbucks this afternoon for my usual 3:00 in the afternoon chai latte. While I was there, I had to take a gut-wrenching dump so I entered the mens room to unleash the glory and exercise this demon. While I was in the stall, in between the angry sounds coming from my ass I heard a commotion coming from somewhere. In my haste to investigate the ruckus, I neglected wiping my messy ass, and for that matter I knew that I wasn't quite finished the job. With my curiosity getting the better of me I left the building and walked out back. To my surprise Rocco and Kurt were wrestling with the fat Barista who made the latte's, this guy bore a striking resemblance to none other than the washed up child celebrity Dustin Diamond. I couldn't believe it, after all these years he had been working at Starbucks. I guess I didn't recognize him at first because he was so fat now. His size sure helped him with Kurt and Rocco, next thing I saw was Diamonds pants around his ankles and his enormous ass straddling both Kurt and Rocco. He screamed out Victory!! and covered them with a foulness that I had not seen since watching Slum Dog Millionaire, it reminded me of the scene where the kid jumps into a lake of shit to get an autograph from the famous Bollywood actor. This time the only autograph was layer upon layer of Dustin Diamond's excrement all over Kurt and Rocco. Deep down inside I could tell Kurt and Rocco loved it, thanks to my training last weekend.
It's my birthday! All princesses are invited!
I can't wait to shit in Kurt's mouth and make him look like a peanut butter cone!
I can't wait to shit in Kurt's mouth and make him look like a peanut butter cone!
Something really embarrassing happened to me today
I was fired today from my job at the sperm bank. I really can only blame my Uncle John and my whore mother. If it wasn't for them, I wouldn't crave the taste of fresh or dried up cock junk. I was caught drinking the donated sperm and replacing it with yogurt by my supervisor. I pleaded to keep my job, I even let my supervisor fuck start my face for a solid hour. He just laughed and wiped off my foaming mouth with a pink slip. What a jerk, he took pictures of my mouth full of his cock and balls. He promised not to show them to anyone, but I don't trust him. Looks like I will be back to fluffing for the gay porn industry, YET again. Rocco is going to flip, between our legal troubles and needing to money to move to California. We may just be staying in Chicago for the time being. My life REALLY SUCKS right now!!
'IT' will get better soon Kurt

Two Men Face Court for Goat Sex, Owner Demands Wedding
Published : Tuesday, 16 Aug 2010, 9:34 AM EST
(AFP from NewsCore)-Two young men accused of having sex with a goat in Chicago were facing criminal charges, and the goat's owner,Dner Boisen was demanding they make traditional wedding arrangements, state media said Friday.
The men, Kurt Steinberg 34 and Rocco Dempsey 30, were caught in the act by police and arrested outside the city limits of Chicago in Illinois, the website of the state broadcaster said. Steinberg had recently lost his first wife/goat when she ate a plastic bag and choked to death. Dempsey told police that Steinberg was very distraught and he just wanted to cheer him up. The pair has recently become involved in each other’s lives again with the recent passing of Steinberg’s wife. Dempsey was also quoted as saying that he and Steinberg had planned to get married in California once Steinberg felt up to it.
"Dempsey was naked and holding the goat's head, and Steinberg was having sex with the animal," witness Brett Emerson told CNN.
District prosecutor Leonides Mapasse said the two would face trial for simple larceny.
The goat's owner may also file a civil suit against them, he said.
The owner was demanding the young men pay him damages and initiate a traditional wedding ceremony by paying a dowry, a family member told CNN.
Monday, August 16, 2010
Should we call a doctor?
This was on Rocco's junk this morning, at first I thought it was only pudding left over from the night before. This looks serious, if anyone knows what this is please send me message. Whatever this is, tools will be required to remedy it.
More family confessions
I have fond memories of my mother coming home from work. Since she is so fat and ugly she could only satisfy the guys with shit fetishes. She would would come home with semen and shit oozing out of every orifice. Since we were poor and not very sophisticated it was my job to lick her many dripping holes. I loved doing the job but she would beat me so hard I started to hate the fat fucking cunt. The taste of strange men's semen mixed with shit was an aphrodisiac though. I started hunting through dumpsters and sucking the ass cracks of passed out drunk homeless men just to get my fill. Some days I would pretend to be passed out in a shopping cart with my greasy ass sticking in the air. Sooner or later the homeless men would feel sorry for me and stick things deep into my pooper. It was normal for me to walk around with a rodent or two stuffed in my ass. I guess that is why I could not sit still in school and dropped out before the fourth grade. Oh the happy memories!
My shrink told me to expand my horizons. He told me there is more to the world than having strange men shit into my mouth. I fired that bastard! What does he know? Oh, and I fucked a goat just to teach him a lesson.
My shrink told me to expand my horizons. He told me there is more to the world than having strange men shit into my mouth. I fired that bastard! What does he know? Oh, and I fucked a goat just to teach him a lesson.
Important family history
I want to let everyone know about a family secret. My whore mother's cousin was John Wayne Gacy. When my whore mother was out turning tricks she would leave me alone with him, sometimes for days on end.
My favorite memory of him was how he used to shackle my ankles in handcuffs that he attached to a 2x4. He used to push my legs above me head in order to expose my tiny little anus. My uncle John or Pogo the clown as he was affectionately known in his neighborhood, was a fairly large man, like my whore mother, fatness runs in our family. I haven't dogged the family problem either.
Since uncle John was big and fat, he would sweat a great deal when he got aroused. When uncle John used to viciously rape my ass, sweat would drip off of his face and into my mouth. He would also salivate like a rabid animal which also dripped into my mouth as he raped me. At first I didn't like the taste so much, but as time went by I got used to it. My once tiny little anus was stretched at a young age. This has really helped me as an adult, my gay lifestyle and insatiable appetite to be ass raped reminds me of how much I owe my Uncle John. I can still taste his semen and sweaty nut sack. In retrospect it was pure joy, even though most would see this as wrong. Thanks uncle John, thanks for everything.
My favorite memory of him was how he used to shackle my ankles in handcuffs that he attached to a 2x4. He used to push my legs above me head in order to expose my tiny little anus. My uncle John or Pogo the clown as he was affectionately known in his neighborhood, was a fairly large man, like my whore mother, fatness runs in our family. I haven't dogged the family problem either.
Since uncle John was big and fat, he would sweat a great deal when he got aroused. When uncle John used to viciously rape my ass, sweat would drip off of his face and into my mouth. He would also salivate like a rabid animal which also dripped into my mouth as he raped me. At first I didn't like the taste so much, but as time went by I got used to it. My once tiny little anus was stretched at a young age. This has really helped me as an adult, my gay lifestyle and insatiable appetite to be ass raped reminds me of how much I owe my Uncle John. I can still taste his semen and sweaty nut sack. In retrospect it was pure joy, even though most would see this as wrong. Thanks uncle John, thanks for everything.
Some stupid things I have posted in the past
Jan 10, 2010
Kurt Steinberg wrote:
There is absolutely nothing wrong with getting turned on while listening to someone expel the contents of his bowels into a toilet in a filthy bathroom.
I disagree. There is something 'wrong' with this. It means that you suffer from a serious psycho-sexual disorder and that this disorder will deteriorate over time and lead to more and more dangerous sexual perversions.
That is exactly how Jeffrey Dahmer started, in the end he was cutting the heads of living men and masturbating into their dead mouths.
meo wrote:
nobody thinks theres anything wrong with people who laugh at farts but if you get turned on by them its wrong. thats a double standard,X me for once i love getting farted on every now and then
Your perversions have not reached a standard as severe as the above poster to whom I replied.
Continue with your fetish if it brings you pleasure.
Kurt Steinberg wrote:
Jerking off while listening to random men farting and taking dumps is not the same thing as pedophilia, necrophilia, bestiality or rape/violence! There is absolutely nothing wrong with getting turned on while listening to someone expel the contents of his bowels into a toilet in a filthy bathroom.
Well theres absolutely nothing right with it either! It just means you have a very low mentality , and lack the inteligence to find something worthwhile to do with your time. People like you usually have lots of stale rotting things in the refrigerator,that have been there so long, they have turned to sludgy thick liquids- maybe you can take a break from wanking over smelly toilets and clean your refrigerator - or wash the piled up filthy dishes in the sink that have been there for weeks !.........nice life you got
Kurt Steinberg wrote:
There is absolutely nothing wrong with getting turned on while listening to someone expel the contents of his bowels into a toilet in a filthy bathroom.
I disagree. There is something 'wrong' with this. It means that you suffer from a serious psycho-sexual disorder and that this disorder will deteriorate over time and lead to more and more dangerous sexual perversions.
That is exactly how Jeffrey Dahmer started, in the end he was cutting the heads of living men and masturbating into their dead mouths.
meo wrote:
Your perversions have not reached a standard as severe as the above poster to whom I replied.
Continue with your fetish if it brings you pleasure.
Kurt Steinberg wrote:
Jerking off while listening to random men farting and taking dumps is not the same thing as pedophilia, necrophilia, bestiality or rape/violence! There is absolutely nothing wrong with getting turned on while listening to someone expel the contents of his bowels into a toilet in a filthy bathroom.
Well theres absolutely nothing right with it either! It just means you have a very low mentality , and lack the inteligence to find something worthwhile to do with your time. People like you usually have lots of stale rotting things in the refrigerator,that have been there so long, they have turned to sludgy thick liquids- maybe you can take a break from wanking over smelly toilets and clean your refrigerator - or wash the piled up filthy dishes in the sink that have been there for weeks !.........nice life you got
Kurt & Rocco, you left your camera at my place this weekend.

After the ass munching party at my place they left behind their camera and I found this picture of Kurt on it. I am beginning to think they left the camera on purpose so that I would find the photos. You should see some of things that they do!! I am not shocked as nothing can shock Gunter. They don't call me Gunter the Shit Eating King for nothing!! When I am done going through all of the pictures I will post more.
Why Rocco??? WHY????

AUDUBON, NJ. (AP) – A New Jersey man accused of trying to steal dirty diapers from a home has been sentenced to 30 months of probation.
Thirty-year-old Rocco A Dempsey was convicted of possession of burglary tools.
The Star-Ledger reports Dempsey also must serve 200 hours of community service and undergo a psycho-sexual examination.
Dempsey was detained by the homeowner after entering an New Jersey home last September. A New Jersey County sheriff’s deputy found six dirty diapers in Dempsey’s pockets.
The complaint says Dempsey entered the house because he likes to wear diapers and thought there might be some in the house.
According to the complaint, when asked whether he intended to steal dirty diapers, Dempsey said “yes.”
In light of Rose's passing and having spent a weekend under Gunter's tutelage, Kurt and I would like to announce that we are getting back together. Gunter has shown us how to blend our depraved deviant lifestyle in concert with building a life together as a 'say it loud and proud' gay couple. We may have to move to California in order to make our union official.
Breaking (Suspicious) News!!
R.I.P. Kurt’s wife/goat Rose
CHICAGO’S MARRIED GOAT has, mercifully, gone to the heavenly farmyard, released from its suffering as a beast of burden.
The goat, known as Rose to close friends, became a web phenomenon when it was reported that she had been "married" to a Chicago area man Kurt Steinberg. The wedding was enforced by elders after a drunken Steinberg was found taking advantage of the poor animal. He was also made to pay a dowry to Rose's original owner Rocco Dempsey. The elders hoped to shame Steinberg, though did not spare Rose's feelings in doing so.
Rose found supporters around the world who, thanks to the internet and particularly this website's "Most E-mailed" function, kept her plight in the public mind for much of her short marriage. Friends would joke about how she had reached the end of her tether, about whether the couple would have any kids, and if they did, whether they would employ a nanny. Others pointed out that the tale got their goat, or wondered whether Steinberg had become a "goatee".
Though forced into human institutions, Rose remained a proud goat and dutiful spouse to the end, doing what all good goats do and eating anything she could find and most importantly giving Steinberg the love he craved. It was this, ironically, which led to her demise - she choked after eating scraps of a plastic bag.
Joking aside, she is actually survived by a male kid, evidence that despite her troubled past she found personal fulfilment with her own kind. Her human "widower" is perhaps wisely not commenting.
No flowers.
CHICAGO’S MARRIED GOAT has, mercifully, gone to the heavenly farmyard, released from its suffering as a beast of burden.

The goat, known as Rose to close friends, became a web phenomenon when it was reported that she had been "married" to a Chicago area man Kurt Steinberg. The wedding was enforced by elders after a drunken Steinberg was found taking advantage of the poor animal. He was also made to pay a dowry to Rose's original owner Rocco Dempsey. The elders hoped to shame Steinberg, though did not spare Rose's feelings in doing so.
Rose found supporters around the world who, thanks to the internet and particularly this website's "Most E-mailed" function, kept her plight in the public mind for much of her short marriage. Friends would joke about how she had reached the end of her tether, about whether the couple would have any kids, and if they did, whether they would employ a nanny. Others pointed out that the tale got their goat, or wondered whether Steinberg had become a "goatee".
Though forced into human institutions, Rose remained a proud goat and dutiful spouse to the end, doing what all good goats do and eating anything she could find and most importantly giving Steinberg the love he craved. It was this, ironically, which led to her demise - she choked after eating scraps of a plastic bag.
Joking aside, she is actually survived by a male kid, evidence that despite her troubled past she found personal fulfilment with her own kind. Her human "widower" is perhaps wisely not commenting.
No flowers.
Sunday, August 15, 2010
Rocco, Gunter and I
Last night was incredible. Who knew eating shit could be so much fun? I certainly didn't until Gunter took the time to educate Rocco and I. Gunter told Rococo in spite of the fact he looked like the offspring of a gorilla and a beach ball, it was what he looked like on the inside that mattered. Rocco wept last night, such unconditional acceptance was foreign to Rocco. Between his parents rejecting him as a young child, to the daily ridicule he faces for having such an abnormally tiny penis, Rocco found a new strength in Gunter's acceptance of him.
Gunter taught me it is okay that I never knew who my father was, and that my mother chose to be a whore. He taught me to be myself an most importantly to live each day like it is my last. If eating shit is living my day to the max, then so be it.
A funny moment happened last night. Rocco was insatiable, he was gorging on Gunter's crack, for what seemed like an eternity, when he came up for air, it looked like Rocco had been hit in the face with a peanut butter snow ball. Rocco looked so good, I had to kiss him. We locked in a passionate kiss, our tongues dancing in a shit parade party being hosted in our mouths. Our hands stroking each others cocks as we kissed. We couldn't take it anymore, I longed for Rocco, his tiny penis reminded me of a golf tee that had snapped in half. Rocco knows I like it rough, so he started to give it to me like he used to before Rose came along. Mercifully Rose was asleep at the time otherwise it could have turned out a lot worse. Thank you Gunter, my man angel. I have a dilemma now, what to do about Rose.
Gunter taught me it is okay that I never knew who my father was, and that my mother chose to be a whore. He taught me to be myself an most importantly to live each day like it is my last. If eating shit is living my day to the max, then so be it.
A funny moment happened last night. Rocco was insatiable, he was gorging on Gunter's crack, for what seemed like an eternity, when he came up for air, it looked like Rocco had been hit in the face with a peanut butter snow ball. Rocco looked so good, I had to kiss him. We locked in a passionate kiss, our tongues dancing in a shit parade party being hosted in our mouths. Our hands stroking each others cocks as we kissed. We couldn't take it anymore, I longed for Rocco, his tiny penis reminded me of a golf tee that had snapped in half. Rocco knows I like it rough, so he started to give it to me like he used to before Rose came along. Mercifully Rose was asleep at the time otherwise it could have turned out a lot worse. Thank you Gunter, my man angel. I have a dilemma now, what to do about Rose.
Vielen Dank Kurt Und Rocco
Beide von Ihnen essen Esel wie die Weltmeister. Rocco aß so viel Scheiße letzte Nacht. Sie fressen Scheiße so gut. Ich bin i mpressed. Denkst Du, daß wir bei der Geburt getrennt wurden?
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