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Wednesday, August 18, 2010

School memories with Kurt and Rocco!

Kurt, Rocco and I used to go to the same school together. William H Wells was a tough school for us. Some people called us retards. We don’t like that word because it is not nice. We are high functioning retards thank you very much! It is not our fault we wear diapers all day, drool a little wear helmets and ride in a short bus. Kurt would stare into the corner and defecate with great pleasure into his oversized Zubaz. The whore of his mother would forget to put on his diapers. We would try to help him by scooping the shit with our bare hands and stuffing it in the only gaping orifice we could see: his drooling mouth. We would eat some of it too just to help him out. Sometimes we would stick our entire fists up his greasy ass. It was fun, fun fun! One time while I was fisting him German style, I discovered a long lost gerbil, my calculator and a stale bag of Doritos. It was amazing the stuff we would find stuffed up Kurt Steinberg’s ass. Rocco once lost his Barbie doll collection in the gaping orifice. To this day we wear diapers covered in oversize Zubaz so we can relive the glory of our school days.

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