Two Men Face Court for Goat Sex, Owner Demands Wedding
Published : Tuesday, 16 Aug 2010, 9:34 AM EST
(AFP from NewsCore)-Two young men accused of having sex with a goat in Chicago were facing criminal charges, and the goat's owner,Dner Boisen was demanding they make traditional wedding arrangements, state media said Friday.
The men, Kurt Steinberg 34 and Rocco Dempsey 30, were caught in the act by police and arrested outside the city limits of Chicago in Illinois, the website of the state broadcaster said. Steinberg had recently lost his first wife/goat when she ate a plastic bag and choked to death. Dempsey told police that Steinberg was very distraught and he just wanted to cheer him up. The pair has recently become involved in each other’s lives again with the recent passing of Steinberg’s wife. Dempsey was also quoted as saying that he and Steinberg had planned to get married in California once Steinberg felt up to it.
"Dempsey was naked and holding the goat's head, and Steinberg was having sex with the animal," witness Brett Emerson told CNN.
District prosecutor Leonides Mapasse said the two would face trial for simple larceny.
The goat's owner may also file a civil suit against them, he said.
The owner was demanding the young men pay him damages and initiate a traditional wedding ceremony by paying a dowry, a family member told CNN.
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