Last night was incredible. Who knew eating shit could be so much fun? I certainly didn't until Gunter took the time to educate Rocco and I. Gunter told Rococo in spite of the fact he looked like the offspring of a gorilla and a beach ball, it was what he looked like on the inside that mattered. Rocco wept last night, such unconditional acceptance was foreign to Rocco. Between his parents rejecting him as a young child, to the daily ridicule he faces for having such an abnormally tiny penis, Rocco found a new strength in Gunter's acceptance of him.
Gunter taught me it is okay that I never knew who my father was, and that my mother chose to be a whore. He taught me to be myself an most importantly to live each day like it is my last. If eating shit is living my day to the max, then so be it.
A funny moment happened last night. Rocco was insatiable, he was gorging on Gunter's crack, for what seemed like an eternity, when he came up for air, it looked like Rocco had been hit in the face with a peanut butter snow ball. Rocco looked so good, I had to kiss him. We locked in a passionate kiss, our tongues dancing in a shit parade party being hosted in our mouths. Our hands stroking each others cocks as we kissed. We couldn't take it anymore, I longed for Rocco, his tiny penis reminded me of a golf tee that had snapped in half. Rocco knows I like it rough, so he started to give it to me like he used to before Rose came along. Mercifully Rose was asleep at the time otherwise it could have turned out a lot worse. Thank you Gunter, my man angel. I have a dilemma now, what to do about Rose.
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