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Monday, August 9, 2010

I remember when I was driving with Mrs. Powers and saw Dner Boisen behind a garbage truck, wearing a Peter Pan costume that was covered in jizz and shit? I remember how he was eating the assholes of two filthy garbage men? I remember how I rolled down the window of Mrs. Powers car and fired a rock at Dner's head? I remember how the rock hit him in the back of the head and he fell into the back of the garbage truck? Those garbage men sure got mad that Dner had stopped eating out their assholes? I remember when they activated the crushing mechanism and crushed Dner? I remember how they drove to the dump and dumped his mangled body in the dump? I remember that he lived there for two months drinking rancid water and eating trash? I remember that he actually liked it? Dner sure was a demented faggot that time!

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