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Tuesday, August 10, 2010

does anyone remember when I?

Does anyone remember the time I was found in a dumpster wearing a chicken suit? Remember how Rocco was dressed as Colonel Sanders and how, when he found me face down he started to punish my ass. Remember how Dner jumped into the dumpster and ripped a fart in my face and how I loved the smell. Do you remember how  much I was into Dner's farts, begging him to do more of them.  Dner do you remeber how I started riming you?  Rocco do you remember how you filled my ass with your jizz and how you let it drip into a glass and how we all took a drink of the vial jizz/shit shake? Rocco do you remember saying to Dner it would have been perfect had I been wearing a PeterPan costume.


  1. I remember! I used to get turned on by all of this, but now it is getting a little boring. Kurt: will you dress up like a princess for me? You look really hot in lipstick and pink frilly stuff. Some say you look natural when wearing princess clothing.

  2. I will never get bored of farting in Kurt's face. He is the Rim Master!!

  3. Dner I love rimming you, or anyone for that matter.
