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Saturday, October 16, 2010

Kurt is a cry baby!!!

Kurt Steinberg is good at one thing: Being a cry baby!! Kurt tends to whine about and moan about anything that enters his little brain that he doesn't like. Kurt should go pacify himself in his usual way, by sucking on Rocco's or any hobo's dick that he can find. Way to go Kurt!! You have now reached official "cry baby status" and in your typical useless way you highlight this with more boring whiny rants about nothing. Kurt has a grasp on poop, gay sex, and being a total loser. You have really hit the big time Kurt, 5000 posts about NOTHING!! The best thing is, all of this will exist in perpetuity! You will be immortalized as the loser you really are. Since you really only seem to know about feces I will explain what perpetuity means. It means forever! Good luck with your Dustin Diamond verbal assaults. Hopefully you will get over him someday and find something beneficial to do. The same goes for Brett Emerson aka fagbuster, Rocco Dempsey, Dner/Dallas Boisen aka assvommit, John Dado aka jewvbeenframed.

Good luck gay boys!!

Awww look Kurt is pacifying himself again! No more cry baby...at least until that hobo blows his load!

Friday, October 15, 2010

Kurt Steinberg makes me sick

The other day I was trying to get some sleep. My bed was hot. My little balls were itchy. I was worried about my cable bill. I was worrying about my job at Wallmart........ Why the fuck could I not sleep? I had insomnia! I tried counting sheep, pulling my wire at the thought of my mommie taking a dump, and suddenly it hit me: I started to read all of Kurt Steinberg's lame posts. I tried reading a couple. I forced myself to read the best one, and next thing my eye balls feel like they have sand on them, the eye-balls are rolling back in my head .... Holy crap: I found the solution! If you can't sleep you gotta read the stuff he posts. This man takes boring to a new level. I'm so bored I could shit in my pants just to make the day go faster.

Rocco's Chldhood

I had the misfortune of meeting Rocco's mother yesterday. She is one of the most foul women I have ever laid eyes on. In fact she makes Kurt's whore mother look like a princess by comparison. She was reminiscing about when Rocco was a baby and how she lived on the streets. She was also talking about how difficult a time she had living on food stamps and semen.

Initially she thought Rocco was little girl because his penis was not visible to the naked eye. As Rocco grew his nibblet of a penis started to show and she realized she had made a mistake. She tells a story of how she needed to give 'tiny' Rocco a bath and since she didn't have anywhere to go she decided to use a toilet in a public restroom. She was amazed how happy her baby was playing and splashing in a toilet.
During Rocco's bath his mother felt the urge to go, so she left him in the toilet while she proceeded to use the next stall to relieve herself. While she was in there a morbidly obese woman entered the same stall 'tiny' Rocco was bathing in. As she dropped her sweat pants and sat down she didn't notice him sitting in the bowl. Her ass exploded in a thunderous roar and a tidal wave of hot sticky gooey shit plastered 'tiny' Rocco.

Your mother sure nurtured your bathroom obsessions didn't she? You mindless twit!

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Kurt posing for everyone

Kurt was wondering if he would be accepted after his sex change operation. Rocco asked him to do the 'tuck' to see what he looked like.
All gave thumbs up his ass for approval! Way to go Kurt!! You will be the woman you always wanted to be once and for all!

For Kurt and his gay crew of queers!

Thursday, October 7, 2010

Assvomit has slipped

It is unfortunate that Assvomit is a pseudo name for another. He was funny for a brief time, we had high hopes for him. Saddly he has gone the way of Kurt, Rocco, Brett Emerson, and the rest of their queer posse. We were giving you a 5 out of 10 which was always higher than the 1 out of 5 the rest earned for humor and creativity. So sad, Assvomit was really closing in on a 6! Try harder PLEASE!! We miss the old material.

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Here is a picture of Brett dressed up as Kurt's uncle/father John Wayne Gacy

Since Assvommit has become the funniest guy, Kurt needed some cheering up. Brett has taken the liberty of dressing up like his uncle/father John Wayne Gacy in hopes of helping Kurt remember happier times. Brett is a true friend to Kurt.

Kurt is also pictured above wearing his favorite outfit getting ready to eat chips off of Brett's gunt.

Sunday, October 3, 2010

Here is Kurt's boyfriend modeling this years Halloween costume

Since Assvommit has taken the title of being the funniest one in the group Kurt has found a new audience that finds him funny. Here is a picture of his biggest fan; his boy friend Jimmy. Jimmy and Kurt share a very special bond. In fact Jimmy never gets tired of hearing the uncreative, repetitive and uninspiring banter from Kurt. I only hope that Jimmy doesn't hear anything Assvommit says, if he did there is no telling what might happen to their relationship. Way to go Kurt! I knew you would find happiness one day. Don't screw it up by letting Jimmy know or hear anything that Assvommit says.

Friday, October 1, 2010

Kurt's latest boyfriend

Rocco is having a dinner party.

In an attempt to win Kurt back Rocco is having a fish fry in his honor. He has been busy marinating the inside of each fish. I never knew that Rocco was such a gourmet. You know what they say Rocco a way to a man's heart is through their stomachs.

Brett your poster is ready

Not to worry Brett I cropped your head out of the picture. The only thing is you should try losing a few pounds.

Dado you two faced cock sucker!

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I want to fire Kurt Steinberg as a gay friend

I made friends with Kurt because I thought he was funny. Don't hate me: I also thought eating buggers and watching dogs poop was also funny. Those were the good old days. We would compare how much snot we could swallow and hope some girl would look at us while we did it. We also would make fun of fags so we could be sooooo popular. It is hard to be popular when you are ugly and stupid. Thank goodness for Kurt's incredible sense of humor and literary style. That good old Kurt could make most grade 5 students laugh just by picking his nose. Now I have a new love: assvomit! Now this guy is funny. Kurt: you are fired!

I wish I was more like Dustin Diamond

Kurt here everyone. As You all know I am a flaming gay fan of DD, well thanks to my therapy it has become patently obvious to me that I really am in love with DD. This all started when I was watching him as a young child actor wearing funny and colorful clothes. I longed to be as cool and quirky as the character Screech. Unfortunately I spent my time as a child being violently abused by my uncle/father John Wayne Gacy. Looking back I now see that it was watching DD that helped me through those difficult years. My therapist was suggesting that I should thank DD for being there for me everyday on television. My therapist thinks that it was watching sbtb while being sodomized by my uncle/father that has shaped who I am today. I wish I could be more like DD,and I will strive to be a better person everyday. I have to stop lashing out at the wrong people, and start the healing process. I have to forgive my uncle/father in order to move forward. I LOVE YOU DUSTIN DIAMOND!!! My bearded angel.

Thursday, September 30, 2010

Kurt Steinberg making love to his goat!

A Chicago man had sex with a goat and was seen by a trainload of passengers, a court heard.

Kurt Steinberg, lassoed the animal with his belt at the Paradise allotments near his home.

As the packed train to Chicago stopped at signals, dozens of passengers stared out in amazement.

In seconds, police switchboards were jammed as horrified commuters used their mobiles to report what they had seen.

The female goat was one of a number left to graze near the allotments, the downtown Chicago Court was told.

A man out walking his dog also made a 911 call to Chicago Police.

Two members of the public pinned down Steinberg while a stream of officers raced to the scene. Jobless Steinberg, from Chicago, was initially arrested by the Chicago Police Dog Section.

A vet who examined the goat said it was "subdued" by the assault but was not suffering long-term injury.

Chicago Transport Police Detective Inspector Dave Crinnion, who investigated, said: "I saw the goat the next day it did not seem too upset but it is difficult to tell."

Steinberg admitted a sex charge involving an animal last Wednesday.

Judge Jacqueline Davies, who adjourned the case for reports, said: "I do not know what sentence the court will impose on you."

He is due to be sentenced on October 13.

Steinberg, who says he is gay, said after the hearing: "My friends have been giving me a lot of stick. They are all joking with me about it.

"I have never done anything like this before. I'm sorry Rocco! I love you!"

Kurt Steinberg making love to his goat!

This not really Kurt Steinberg. But this is what it looks like when he porks his goat-wife. The only difference is the size of the pee-pee. Kurt has what they call in a the porn industry a "non-cock". According to the experts anything under an inch is a "non-cock". Kurt Steinberg has a 1/2 inch pee-pee (Rocco likes them small). The goat-wife just sees it as heavy petting. Rocco has goat envy.

Kurt's goat is still wearing her wedding dress!

She sure is pretty! I now know why Kurt likes to pump her full of semen.

Kurt the goat fucker!

Goat SEX

Kurt broke up with Rocco

Kurt was happy with Rocco until his old flame Assvomit showed up. Here is a pic of the reunion of these two hardcore queers getting reacquainted. Assvomit taught me: Gunter the shit eating king how to work through the gagging. I never thought we would see him again, but I must say I am pleased. My old friend is back and we will eat shit with each other once again after all these years. He was the true champion, He still holds the record for being able to swallow semen from ANY species from human to horse and fully digest the feces and wash it down with urine. Correct me if I am wrong but I recall you saying that was the secret to getting it done was to wash it down with piss.

I am concerned about Rocco as he may not handle the rejection very well. He does have a temper and may do something irrational. Don't worry Rocco! Gunter will make it better. Better like the way your mom used to wake you up for school as a boy. Remember how she used to take your abnormally small penis and put it in her mouth? Remember how you would pretend to be asleep so she would suck a little longer?

Tuesday, September 28, 2010

This my dick after sticking it up Rocco Dempsey's ass.

Yum Yum Yum! Kurt Steinberg loves Rocco!

Rocco Dempsey has a full belly! Horse semen overload!

I swear I love Rocco, but please this is sick. I can blow 12 ponies and a well hung mule. Rocco Blows one aroused stallion and his little belly can't take it. Good thing my pee pee is so small. I hate to see my lover puke like this.

I overate at the glory hole!

I'm proud of my name. I'm proud to be called Kurt Steinberg! I swallow cum like a gay trucker. This time I ate waaaaaay too much. I must say sorry to my fans.

Thursday, September 23, 2010

Hey Rocco!! Do you remember when...

I was thinking about the time you wanted to start working out and put on some muscle. Do you remember how you used to read Muscle and Fitness magazine? Do you remember how you used to masturbate all the time looking at the pictures of the body builders in the articles about training? Do you remember how badly you wanted to have a manly physique and how tired you were of being the skinny weakling that was constantly picked on your whole life? Do you remember reading in Muscle and Fitness about ingesting protein to bulk up? Remember how you thought it would be better to use your own semen to increase the protein content of your muscle building shakes. Do you recall how little it actually did for you and that you are still the little wimp you have always been?

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Rocco says "smell my finger"

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Party in Brett's mouth!! Everyone is coming!!

Is having a dumpster party behind his favorite place to cruise for cock.
Kwik Trip
1626 Oak Street
P.O. Box 2107
La Crosse, WI 54602-2107
Phone: 608-793-6356

Call and ask for Brett aka. Fagbuster

Kurt's rest room tips for newbies.

1. Wait at sinks until someone enters to use urinal or stall
2. Stand or take stall next to possible score
3. Cough or clear you throat if at urinal when looking at the genitals of the guy you are cruising
4. If in stall tap the foot of the person next to you and clear you throat
5. Be yourself
6. It may take a couple of tries to get someone to engage in the fun
7. Be prepared with a condom
8. Relax and enjoy random encounters

My experiences vary, but I always find someone willing to go.

Happy hunting!

Sheep Gives Birth to Human-Faced Lamb in New Jersey

Rocco almost had a 'kid' with a goat. He really should give up trying to create his new race. He should learn from what happened to Kurt!

Rocco wanted to pose for a picture. He was feeling left out

As Kurt and Rocco have nothing to offer other than homosexual jokes and rest stop banter. They wanted the world to see how 'little' they have to offer the heterosexual and homosexual communities in the bedroom. This should clarify why they are so obsessed with Dustin Diamond. They are jealous of his big cock.

Pic of Kurt relaxing

Kurt has a very very small penis. Here he is showing it off to Rocco.

Monday, September 20, 2010

Rocco loves getting cum in his eye

The transition has been good. Since Kurt has been gone Rpcco is looking for more customers. Here is a picture of him peeking out of his glory hole waiting for the next hot shot of sticky white. The little poof from New Jersey now has a reliable source of hair product to guido-spike his hair with. He used to always have Kurt shoot a hot load or two in his hair before going out. He claims it just holds better than anything Paul Mitchell sells. The truth is he just likes getting jizz shots into his hair and he never actually showers unless it is someone pissing all over him. I have never seen anything as putrid as Rocco showering in urine.

Saturday, September 18, 2010

This is a view of Kurt's hungry mouth

He is hungry all day long! How much sperm can a man swallow? Watch Kurt Steinberg and learn my friends!
Glory Holes Rule!!!!

Thursday, September 16, 2010

Long-Time Goat-loving Homosexual Killed By Goat

Long-Time Goat-loving Homosexual Killed By Goat
Man Found With Goat On Top Of Him, Rope Around His Neck

Chicago. -- A Chicago homosexual was killed by a goat Tuesday that he was attempting to ravish in a fenced-in area.

Kurt Steinberg, 30, was found dead by his lover, Rocco Dempsey after he didn't return home for some time.
Steinberg's lover told authorities that when he went outside to check on his lover, he was on the ground next to a trailer where the goat was tied up, according to a police report.
The goat was on top of Steinberg, and the rope that was tied to the animal was wrapped around the man's neck.
"I’ll never forget the sight I saw," said Rocco.
The goat also tried to attack Rocco and emergency personnel. The normally docile goat was killed after the attack. It may have had just about enough of the raping it had received for the last 2 years.
Other members of their gay community said Steinberg had heart problems that could have contributed to his death.
"When Daddy, a name Kurt was affectionately know by, went out there to put him up, he got his feet tangled up and fell, and the initial shock of the fall was what triggered, maybe, his heart attack," said friend and former lover Brett Emerson. "Kurt was so much of a man, and I don’t think a 40 pound goat could've ever done anything to him."
Channel 4 talked to Steinberg's lover on Wednesday who said he was a troubled man who loved diarrhea and former childhood star Dustin Diamond.
"Well, he was a horny man. He loved all kinds of men, animals and his homosexual community," said Dempsey.
Steinberg was the pastor of Rectal View Independent Missionary Homosexual Church since 1990.
"The first love of his life was poop and anal sex," said member of the gay community Dallas/Dner Boisen.
"He believed what he preached and he lived what he preached," said John Dado.
Family and friends said Kurt Steinberg was a gentle giant and that when he delivered rim jobs, everyone begged for a chance to feel Kurt’s tongue.
Visitation for Kurt Steinberg is set for Friday from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. at Sykes Funeral Home in Chicago. The funeral will immediately follow.

Tuesday, September 14, 2010


The doctor thought you may want a copy of the xray. He also asked that you stop inserting things in your ass, especially coke bottles. Don't worry I didn't tell him about the rodents.

Friday, September 3, 2010

Rocco loves this.

Rocco goes into a masturbation trance whenever he sees this image. Which is followed by him sticking his finger up his own ass and licking it off every time he pulls it out. He calls the game treasure hunter. The strange thing is he talks like a pirate when he finds treasure. Arggh matey, thar'd be me treasure.

A childhood photo of Kurt from his whore mom

Kurt's whore mom has some pictures of him as a child. Here is one of him supporting his father at a rally for homosexual men.

Thursday, September 2, 2010

Rocco why is your father at gay pride?

Is he trying to be more supportive towards you and Kurt? I thought he disowned you when he found out about your relationship with Kurt and the dumpster parties you attend. Looks to me like he is having fun.

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Picture of Kurt munching on my ass.

Kurt is by far the best I have ever had rim my dirt box. He is like a little energizer bunny. I highly recommend a rim job from Kurt. Rocco tries really hard, but just isn't coordinated enough to complete the job.

Rocco's favorite new game

The two lovers made up a game with Kurt's old train set.

The rim chair in Kurt's apartment

Me with my dad!

This explains how it all started.

Kurt has expanded his animal love into Sheep

Way to Kurt!!

'IT' aka Brett and Dallas are competing to see who will be the biggest Gay Bear.

Dner has decided to go by the name Dallas from here on out. He wants to be known as Dallas the gay bear. He provides the flour to his one night stands, since his portly shape makes finding his tail pipe a challenge. A quick dusting of flour clearly marks the spot and exposes his greasy hole for loving. His genitals are covered by the flabby belly he has grown by eating a steady diet of Arbys and Taco Bell. This magazine cover depicts what these two are striving for.

This picture of Dallas aka Dner is really strange.

Monday, August 30, 2010

Dallas Boisner is dating again!

Good news! Dallas is no longer hiding in his basement jacking off to gay midget porn. As you can see he has found a real hottie! Someone should remind him not to bite his new girlfriend!

This pretty much sums up Kurt, Rocco and the rest of them fellers

Rocco has been keeping secrets from me

CHICAGO - Days after a man accused of aggravated assault for allegedly infecting two men with the HIV virus turned himself in to Chicago police, Chicago officials are saying it is possible the same man might have had encounters with males and she-males in this city.

While no victims have been found, there is reason to believe they are possibly out there, Detective James Hardy said.

"We don't have any victims identified," he said Saturday.

"We are looking into the possibility of (his) activities in the Chicago area with the possibility of identifying victims."

While police were tight-lipped on any other details regarding a possible Chicago connection to 30-year-old Rocco Dempsey - a man facing charges for aggravated assault after allegedly infecting two Chicago men with HIV - they urge anyone who might have had contact with him to come forward.

Hardy said the reasons are two-fold, to ensure there are no health risks which might need addressing and "ensure his alleged activities don't continue."
Dempsey turned himself into Chicago police Thursday evening, hours after a national warrant was issued for his arrest based on the Chicago allegations.

Chicago police allege Dempsey failed to inform two men he had HIV before having sex with them.

Police in Chicago say the homeless gay porn fluffer is wanted for spreading the lethal virus through unprotected sex.

Of three infected men in Chicago, two are pressing charges, after discovering they have contracted the virus which cause AIDS.

One man, who said he dated the accused, wanted to warn others to ensure they protect themselves should they have been or have the opportunity to be intimately involved with Dempsey, who police have confirmed as an HIV-carrier.

The accused moved to Chicago about 10 years ago and has split his time between New Jersey and Chicago.

He has reportedly been living in this city for months.

An aggravated sexual assault conviction carries a maximum sentence of life in prison.

Dempsey is slated to be returned to New Jersey next week.

Kurt Steinberg: new rule at petting zoo just for you!

Sunday, August 29, 2010

Kurt doing his thing at the petting zoo!

Kurt Steinberg was feeling lonely. The whore of his mother was out turning tricks for the family dinner. Kurt found himself wandering into the petting zoo. The pony and Kurt locked eyes. A couple of well placed sugar cubes and next thing you know Kurt is giving the pony a blow job! His eyes were bulging out and he had to relax his gag reflex. But what he really wanted was to get boned by the pony. He was able to trick the well hung animal into mounting him. This is a good pic of Kurt before he had his greasy ass penetrated at the kid's petting zoo. Kurt Steinberg you are a sick fuck.

Friday, August 27, 2010

Unfortunate incident at the pet show. Thankfully Rocco was there to help get Chan out of harms way

I brought one of my best friends and lovers: Chan to the annual dog show I go to. This year I am so thankful Rocco was there; having all his experience with horny animals and such. Rocco jumped right in and started to give that dog what it wanted. He smeared Alpo all over his ass to create a distraction for the dog. Chan was able to escape when the dog lost interest in him and started to lick and eat the food from Rocco's crack. Once the food was gone the dog mounted Rocco and started to pump his ass with his dog boner. As you can see from the picture, Chan is very upset with this dog. Rocco's expression was much different, he was in a trance-like state while the dog humped away.

The strange thing is he kept muttering the words "good boy" over and over. You really saved the day that time Rocco!

Rocco's suave older brother Ricco

'IT' has Moobs

I love rubbing my cock on IT's (Bretts) Moobs as he has no penis and one of his folds or flaps only cuts it during foreplay. It is fun when he asks us to write our names on his Moobs with poop from IT's own ass.