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Friday, October 15, 2010

Rocco's Chldhood

I had the misfortune of meeting Rocco's mother yesterday. She is one of the most foul women I have ever laid eyes on. In fact she makes Kurt's whore mother look like a princess by comparison. She was reminiscing about when Rocco was a baby and how she lived on the streets. She was also talking about how difficult a time she had living on food stamps and semen.

Initially she thought Rocco was little girl because his penis was not visible to the naked eye. As Rocco grew his nibblet of a penis started to show and she realized she had made a mistake. She tells a story of how she needed to give 'tiny' Rocco a bath and since she didn't have anywhere to go she decided to use a toilet in a public restroom. She was amazed how happy her baby was playing and splashing in a toilet.
During Rocco's bath his mother felt the urge to go, so she left him in the toilet while she proceeded to use the next stall to relieve herself. While she was in there a morbidly obese woman entered the same stall 'tiny' Rocco was bathing in. As she dropped her sweat pants and sat down she didn't notice him sitting in the bowl. Her ass exploded in a thunderous roar and a tidal wave of hot sticky gooey shit plastered 'tiny' Rocco.

Your mother sure nurtured your bathroom obsessions didn't she? You mindless twit!

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