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Friday, October 15, 2010

Kurt Steinberg makes me sick

The other day I was trying to get some sleep. My bed was hot. My little balls were itchy. I was worried about my cable bill. I was worrying about my job at Wallmart........ Why the fuck could I not sleep? I had insomnia! I tried counting sheep, pulling my wire at the thought of my mommie taking a dump, and suddenly it hit me: I started to read all of Kurt Steinberg's lame posts. I tried reading a couple. I forced myself to read the best one, and next thing my eye balls feel like they have sand on them, the eye-balls are rolling back in my head .... Holy crap: I found the solution! If you can't sleep you gotta read the stuff he posts. This man takes boring to a new level. I'm so bored I could shit in my pants just to make the day go faster.

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