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Thursday, September 30, 2010

Kurt broke up with Rocco

Kurt was happy with Rocco until his old flame Assvomit showed up. Here is a pic of the reunion of these two hardcore queers getting reacquainted. Assvomit taught me: Gunter the shit eating king how to work through the gagging. I never thought we would see him again, but I must say I am pleased. My old friend is back and we will eat shit with each other once again after all these years. He was the true champion, He still holds the record for being able to swallow semen from ANY species from human to horse and fully digest the feces and wash it down with urine. Correct me if I am wrong but I recall you saying that was the secret to getting it done was to wash it down with piss.

I am concerned about Rocco as he may not handle the rejection very well. He does have a temper and may do something irrational. Don't worry Rocco! Gunter will make it better. Better like the way your mom used to wake you up for school as a boy. Remember how she used to take your abnormally small penis and put it in her mouth? Remember how you would pretend to be asleep so she would suck a little longer?

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