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Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Picture leaked: Ass vomit identity revealed

Assvomit is a true internet basement war hero. His image was accidentally leaked by Rocco. Heroes come in all shapes and sizes. Assvomit
just happens to be oversized. I wonder how much Kentucky Fried Chicken he consumes in a week? It is reported that KFC sells 914 million pounds of chicken every year so I suspect that Assvomit is responsible for, on the low side,10% of that figure.

If you notice how close he is to his favorite place: his toilet. I understand that Assvomit sits on the toilet facing backwards, so that he may use the tank as a table to hold his bucket of KFC Extra crispy chicken. This is so he can dine while he shits. This is mainly because he is constantly concerned about maintaining a certain weight so that he can claim government benefits for being such a fat tub of disabled useless shit.

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