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Monday, March 14, 2011

Interview With Kurt Steinberg

I have recently had the pleasure of interviewing Kurt Steinberg. It is really interesting what he has to say about his life.

G - So Kurt how are you today?
KS - Good, I had a bit of a strange night, but otherwise, I'm okay

G - Great to hear Kurt. Well let's not waste anytime, I know you are busy with your forum and your gay life style.
KS- Yeah, really busy Gunter, as you know it takes a great deal of my time.

G - So Kurt, when you look back over the last 10 years or so, what is your fondest memory?
KS - Wow, that's a tough one. After all there are so many fond memories. I guess the one that stands out the most was the time I was hosting an orgy when my parents were away. I had all my gay friends over and we, well lets just say we broke a record.

G - A record?? what do you mean?
KS - Well it is two fold. We managed to form a daisy chain of penis to ass between 23 of us, what was different is that we actually managed to connect the chain. That was the record breaker. Up to that point it had never been accomplished.

G - Wow!! that is really amazing Kurt. Was this some sort of Guinness Book accomplishment.
KS - Not at all, it was a personal record, never before had I been able to get enough people together to connect the chain.

G - You know I have to ask: Who was the first to blow their load?
KS - It is always Rocco. He has no stamina, in fact his tiny penis is the 'weak link' in the chain.

G - I know what you mean. Well I also wanted to ask you what is with all of the Dustin Diamond posts?
KS - I must confess, the character Screech he played on SBTB. Reminds me of what I was like in High School. I was kind of dorky and awkward, girls didn't notice me. Not that I cared, because I was hiding my homosexuality from all of the cool jocks.

G - It must have been really hard growing up at your school.
KS - It was not that bad. Sometimes the jocks would rough me up in the locker room during gym class. Deep down inside it was what I was really after. Mind you I had to hide the fact I really loved it.

G - Rouged you up?
KS - Yep, they would force my face into toilets full of shit, or sometimes they would urinate on me. I was able to act like I didn't like it until my senior year. That's when it happened.

G - What happened?
KS - I was getting undressed after gym class and in came a couple of the jocks that liked to pick on me. This time they pushed me on the ground and started to tape my hands behind my back. Next thing I knew I was on my back and they noticed I had a raging hard on. One of the jocks said, "this dork actually likes this" I couldn't keep it a secret any longer. The two jocks pulled down their pants and started rubbing their cocks and balls all over my face. I couldn't believe this was happening. Next one of the jocks grabbed my hair and asked me "what do you think of this?" as he forced his cock into my mouth.

G - WHOA!! Sounds kind of hot
KS - It was hot. Next thing I knew one of them was plunging his cock into my mouth and the other was tearing off my shorts and thrusting his member into my ass. OH MY GOD it felt good! Without any warning these two gave a high five and changed ends. Now I could taste my own shit as I blew this guys cock. I thought I might have flinched, actually I felt my self starting to blow my load.

G - How could you have not?
KS - The problem was that these two didn't like the idea of me enjoying this so much, so they started to punch me as they fucked my mouth and ass.

G - Oh that's rough
KS - Tell me about it! All I can remember is waking up, covered in jizz, urine, and shit. I was missing a couple of teeth and my ass was oozing blood.

G - Well let's not talk about that anymore, I am sure it is still difficult.
KS - Not really, I am okay with it

G - Do tell
KS - Well these two jocks ended up becoming my close friends

G - No kidding?
KS - Gunter, the two jocks were Brett and Dner

G - Ah, that makes sense
KS - Sure does, we sometimes will role play out that same scene. They just don't kick the crap out of me at the end.

G - Very good. I only have a couple of more questions
KS - Sure, ask away

G - Rick Bawls. How do you feel about him?
KS - Actually I secretly love him. I find the thought of him greasing up my ass and filling me so full of meat. I know I would swear that I was a deep freezer, it would be very exciting. Me and my friends like to ask him questions and tell stories about him through the forum, but the reality is, we are just writing about our weekends or things we wish would happen to us.

G - So Kurt, where do you see yourself in the next ten years?
KS - Pretty much where I am now. Spending my time, relaying my life on my forum. Longing for Rick to be Bawls deep in my ass.

G - Well thanks Kurt, I know you have to get back to your forum.
KS - Anytime Gunter

1 comment:

  1. How the hell did you get that interview? Gunter are you talking with Kurt? You da man!!
