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Sunday, March 20, 2011

Air force retrofits planes

The Air force has finalized all changes from the old paint to new on equipment. The planes have been retrofitted with new weapons systems.
Instead of guns, bombs, and missiles the new planes will be equipped with bubble cannons, and speaker systems designed to blast Lady GaGa songs. This will enable the forces to dance and frolic in style. Glee regiments are starting to emerge at bases all across America.


  1. Hey, Rick Bawls! Just wondered where you've been. We all notice that you stay absent from this site for many months. Did you get sent to prison? Did you perform a perverted crime? We are all curious why you stay gone so long,and don't reply to peoples' insults. Please get back to us when they let you out, Rick Bawls!!

  2. Yo Joekablow! Last thing I head was Rick Bawls was feeding Big Mac's to the D-Man, while the D-Man was jamming his schlonger into Kurt's over-used Poop Chute. That's unconfirmed at this point, but I have from high authority, it is entirely possible.
